Navigating a progressive path towards an equitable Sri Lanka

AN INDEPENDENT THINK TANk: Advocating for a system that REWARDs WORk, Not WEalth

The global economic order must be redesigned to benefit people and the environment.

Sri Lanka should mitigate risks to its economy when dealing with the imperfect international financial architecture.
Sri Lanka’s economic crisis is widely attributed to local corruption, poor governance and mismanagement.  However, the country’s crisis is also enabled by flawed global systems, institutions and treaties.
Borne out of our initial efforts in calling for debt justice, IPE is joining other campaigners, both locally and globally, to seek viable alternatives to mitigate against an unjust global economic order.
Sri Lanka must engage globally to improve the well-being of its people and environment, and to work towards an equitable nation.
Our vision and focus must therefore be both within the country and outside.   In our globalised world economic order, it is imperative to shine a light on behaviour of institutions and governments both nationally and internationally. 

Renegotiating the IMF agreement is imperative for Sri Lanka’s economic recovery and future stability. The current conditionalities are not aligned with best practices and pose significant risks to the country’s fiscal health and social well-being. A restructured agreement that includes substantial debt reduction, realistic fiscal targets, and respect for Sri Lanka’s sovereignty over its economic policies will provide a foundation for sustainable growth. By pursuing these changes, Sri Lanka can ensure a more equitable and prosperous future for its people and set a precedent for fairer global economic practices.


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President Anura Kumara Dissanayake:  Sri Lanka’s Desire to Chart a New Course.
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Public Finance Management Act 2024.
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Sri Lanka’s bondholders to get repaid 20%-46% more than China
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Sri Lanka’s Debt Restructuring: A Win for Private Bondholders
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Bondholder Proposals: Decline and Defer

Why a system change is urgently needed.

To bring an end to the global north-south divide.​

"With the power of the pen, we can impose natural disaster and pandemic clauses in our debt. With the power of the pen, we can change the capital that is available to multilateral development banks, that will remove the barriers that currently exist for us to fight poverty. With those commitments, we can make a difference in today's world and let us do so recognising that a world that reflects an imperialistic order and hypocrisy and lack of transparency will not achieve that mission.” ​

- Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, UN General Assembly (20 Sept 2022)
To reduce impact on Sri Lanka driven by global inequality

"Ultra high net worth individuals" — hold an astoundingly disproportionate share of global wealth. (

To improve well-being of people facing hardship

Income and wealth inequality in Sri Lanka (Ground Views)

To strengthen domestic fiscal position

Corruption: Secrecy and off-shore tax havens (Tax Justice Network)

To obtain a sustainable solution to Sri Lanka's debt crisis

182 experts calling for debt cancellation (Debt Justice UK)

To democratise global institutions

Towards a more effective, networked, and inclusive multilateral system (UN High-level Advisory Board)

To work towards a fairer global financial architecture

How major banks turned a blind eye to theft of billions (The Bureau of Investigative Journalism)

To build a new global order

"Neoliberal globalisation is not working. A new multilateralism that differs from the current neoliberal framework, offering an alternative basis for global cooperation needs to be built."

Prof Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Laureate, European University Institute (28 Sept 2023)


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Debt Justice

Calling for cancellation of the odious sovereign debts of Sri Lanka

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Illicit Financial Flows

Calling for full transparency of illicit financial flows out of Sri Lanka

Stolen Asset Recovery

Calling for the return of Sri Lanka's stolen assets held overseas.

Rewarding work over wealth


Acknowledge imperfections of the global economic order and mitigate risks to the local economy by protecting against major vulnerabilities

Challenge status-quo and select alternative policy options for improving well-being of people and environment

Highlight plight of working women who bear a disproportionate burden of the debt crisis.  They should not pay for the profligacy of reckless creditors.

Associates calling for change

The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists.

Joan Robinson