Our Work


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Politicians, economists and think tanks often like to point out that there is no “magic money tree” or no funds for enhance the well-being of people and environment.  However, that raises the question, where does the money actually come from?   The answer is more complicated than many people realise.  We aspire therefore to ask questions around:

  • How the economy works
  • Progressive economic policies


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To deal with the big social, economic and environmental challenges we’re facing today, we need to transform our money and banking system, and navigate in an unjust global economic order.  IPE’s vision is for a money and banking system that serves a fair, democratic, equitable and sustainable economy.  We propose querying around:

  • Central bank and sustainable finance
  • Government revenue and expenditure
  • Making the economy work for people and environment


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Our politicians have the power to reform our money and banking system so that it supports a fair and more sustainable economy that.  Yet, we need to first, convince them that thing need to change, and that we have the right proposals to make things better.

  • Lobbying MP’s
  • Protest collectively to International finance institutions
  • Write to the media
  • Challenge the status quo


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At IPE we know that if we  to change our socioeconomic system, we need to create change at local, regional, national and global levels too.  

  • Citizen groups
  • Progressive organisations
  • Civil society
  • Academics
  • Global South
  • Global campaign groups


Government with a peoples mandate to improve well-being

Constitutional reforms and human rights protections

Good governance in public institutions (without political interference)

Anti-corruption measures including accountability for past actions

Fair and sustainable political solution for ethnic conflict

Ethnic, religious, gender and class equality and inclusion

Reduction in elite local power and global elite influence

Free press, independent judiciary, strong enforcement & ease of doing business